
New Fair Trade Fashion

New Fair Trade Fashion

People often ask about how this business got started. Many know me for my negotiation expertise and while I still teach and speak on that, working with the ladies in...

New Fair Trade Fashion

People often ask about how this business got started. Many know me for my negotiation expertise and while I still teach and speak on that, working with the ladies in...

Kenya Extends Restrictions by Two Months Limits BnB Travel

Kenya Extends Restrictions by Two Months Limits...

COVID has put a strain on all our lives. We seem to be on the edge of a change where things are starting to slowly open up and soon we...

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Kenya Extends Restrictions by Two Months Limits...

COVID has put a strain on all our lives. We seem to be on the edge of a change where things are starting to slowly open up and soon we...

1 comment
Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good This Holiday Season - by Lauren Solomon

Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good This Holiday Seas...

No matter how strange this year and season may feel, each day we embark on a journey. Destination: your best self. Duration: the rest of your life. Your lifelong journey...

Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good This Holiday Seas...

No matter how strange this year and season may feel, each day we embark on a journey. Destination: your best self. Duration: the rest of your life. Your lifelong journey...

Prejudice is a Sign of Ignorance

My Pastor did a message about prejudice recently. With everything going on in the world right now with COVID-19 having the entire world shut down and then the senseless murder...

Prejudice is a Sign of Ignorance

My Pastor did a message about prejudice recently. With everything going on in the world right now with COVID-19 having the entire world shut down and then the senseless murder...

The Fight for Food In Marginalized Communities

The Fight for Food In Marginalized Communities

We are facing unprecedented times with the entire world being shut down. It is having its affect on everyone. Some have lost their jobs, some have lost their health and...


The Fight for Food In Marginalized Communities

We are facing unprecedented times with the entire world being shut down. It is having its affect on everyone. Some have lost their jobs, some have lost their health and...