It Started With A Gift

It Started With A Gift

I went to Kenya on a mission trip to be of service.  One of the places we visited is called the Kipsongo slum.  Their homes are mud huts with a tin roof and dirt floor.  There is no running water, no kitchen, no bathrooms.  We went to Kipsongo with supplies and stories of hope.  We toured the slum and as we were preparing to leave I noticed some of the women had some hand crafted items for sale.  We didn't have any money with us so couldn't buy anything.

As we were preparing to leave, one of the women Patricia (pictured with her son Maxwell) gifted me with the hand crafted beaded necklace I am wearing in the photo.  The necklace is made of magazines. She wanted sponsorship for her son for school.  

I left there thinking maybe I would sponsor Maxwell to go to school.  One the way back to our lodging, I discovered the women had taken micro loans to get materials to make the beads.  That night I went to sleep thinking about Maxwell and his mom Patricia.  

I woke up in the middle of the night with a God inspired idea to buy some beads and sell them with my Think Like A Negotiator book when I speak.  Baskets and Beads was born.  We have space in a couple of retail locations, wholesale customers and now our online store.  

Thank you for visiting and supporting the women in Kenya.  Your purchase is helping them get out of poverty and create a better life for themselves and their families.  

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1 comment

Such an awesome ministry and an awesome lady who saw what the Lord could do through her obedience to following the Lord’s leading in her life. Thank you ElDonna for following the Lord’s leading in your life.😎😎

Dean McKee

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